Folic Acid and Why It’s Important to Women

It’s National Women’s Health Week! If you have done any reading about women’s health (which you should! And our website is a great place to start 😉 ) you may have come across the term “folic acid.”  So what is it? Should you be taking it? Why is it important to women’s health?  Keep reading

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Where Do You Get Your Information?

From quizzes about which Disney princess you are, to videos of cats wearing pants, the internet is full of all kinds of information.  It’s easy to waste hours scrolling through Instagram or Pinterest. The internet was built as an accessible way for anyone to share information.  While this is fun, it also means that anyone

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5 Ways to Slow Down this Holiday Season

Christmas seems to sneak up on us every year, and as soon as we’re ready for it it’s over!  With so much to cram in in such a short time the holidays can leave you feeling exhausted and worn out.  Exhaustion can lead to physical, mental and emotional health issues. So how do you slow down and get the most

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