Surgical or In-Clinic Abortion
Early Surgical Abortion: Suction curettage, suction abortion, or vacuum aspiration5&6
Up to 13 weeks from the first day of last menstrual cycle5
$600 on average up to $80011
Schedule an appointment to speak with a nurse about your abortion questions and concerns. North Care Women’s Clinic does not provide abortions, we provide the information you will need in order to decide if abortion is right for you by verifying if your pregnancy is viable, determining how far along you are, and educating you on all your options.
Medications may be used to numb the cervix. The woman’s cervix is dilated, either before or during the procedure, and the pregnancy is removed by a suction device or vacuum pump that is inserted into the uterus. A curette may also be used to scrape any remaining fetal parts out of the uterus. Following the abortion, cramping can be expected for several days, and bleeding or spotting may last a few weeks.
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
13 Weeks from the first day of last menstrual cycle5
Varies, and increases as pregnancy progresses, but on average, it can cost between $715 up to $1500 – $200011
A speculum will be inserted into the vagina.12 Some type of anesthesia may be used, and numbing medications might be injected into the cervix to help with the pain during the procedure.5&12 The cervix is prepared with dilators or medications to achieve dilation adequate for this surgical procedure, sometimes starting the day before the procedure. An antibiotic may be given to prevent infection. The fetal parts are removed with a combination of suction and medical instruments.5 Depending on how far along the pregnancy is, the surgical abortion might involve medication injections to prevent the birth of a fetus who may survive. 13&14 After the procedure, cramping can be expected for several days, and bleeding or spotting may occur for a few weeks.5
Major complications are uncommon but possible. They include:
- Heavy bleeding
- Reaction to anesthesia or other medications used
- Injury to organs
- Infection
- Incomplete abortion with retained tissue
- Blood clots in the uterus
Confirm your pregnancy first
Schedule an appointment to discuss your abortion questions and concerns with a nurse. North Care Women’s Clinic does not provide or refer for abortions.
We provide the information you will need to decide if abortion is right for you by verifying if your pregnancy is viable, determining how far along you are, and educating you on all your options.