What to Expect at Your Appointment

Going somewhere new can be a little scary, especially when you’re in a tough situation.  We get it. That’s why we’re giving you an insider preview of what you can expect at your first appointment. You can expect confidentiality, no judgement, kind staff, and personalized care. Here’s how it goes… When you walk through our

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6 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

“A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams or your dignity.  [It] doesn’t drag you down. It inspires you to be better.” Mandy Hale Is your relationship healthy? Take some time to ask yourself these 6 questions. Can you and your boyfriend resolve conflict? ALL relationships have conflicts, but good

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More Than the Birds and the Bees

The more that you know about your body and how it works, the better prepared you are to make choices that get you where you want to go. Let’s talk about how you get pregnant. Most of us would say we know the basics, but would have a hard time explaining it.  So let’s break

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