30 Year Old, Married Parents of 2 Considering Abortion

Janelle and Ethan are 30 and 32 years old, and have been married for 6 years.  They have two kids, Lila and Noah, who are three and one and a half. Ethan has a job at the bank, and Janelle works as a second grade teacher. They just moved their family into a new house, and felt

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Guest Post: 6 Things I Needed to Hear When I Was Pregnant

We are excited to partner with Julie, a local writer, and new mom, for this week’s post! Julie writes a lifestyle blog, A Hopeful Hood, and has learned firsthand that maternity clothes are cuter than some of the regular clothes out there and there’s nothing like a good donut at 3 am. She loves hiking,

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What She Really Hears

When it comes to facing an unplanned pregnancy as a couple, many men we see tell their partner, “I’ll support whatever you decide.” While a lot of guys think this is what she wants to hear, this is not always the case.   Even if it’s not what you mean sometimes what she really hears you

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