What to Do When Friends and Family Are Pressuring You into an Abortion Decision

A study by the National Library of Medicine revealed that “Women who feel pressured to agree to abortion are more likely to experience negative emotional and mental health reactions.” Whether the pressure coming from your friends or family is subtle or not, it’s never okay for someone to pressure you into an abortion decision. Find

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Hiding My Pregnancy: Would Abortion Be an Option?

Have you been hiding your pregnancy due to some fear, anxiety, and shame? We understand this isn’t your ideal situation, and we are here for you along the way.  If you are considering abortion, you might think it’s the only easy option out there. It’s important to educate yourself on the details of an abortion

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Navigating Pressure from Friends and Family When Considering Abortion

Are you feeling pressure from friends and family to make a certain pregnancy decision? It can be easy to get caught up in the pressure and voices of those around you, especially if you care about their opinion.  Ultimately, you have the final say when considering abortion, and you will be the one it impacts

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