Sharing your heart about your pregnancy options with your family can include a mix of emotions. Some women feel like they will be pressured into a decision they don’t want to make. 

If you are considering abortion and don’t know how to tell your family, do your best to remain calm and open. Keep reading to learn how to go about this tough conversation.

Before Sharing the News

Be sure of your pregnancy details before considering abortion and going through the emotional rollercoaster of telling your family. Determine whether you qualify, as complications such as miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy would require medical treatment outside of abortion.

First, get clarity about your pregnancy with lab-quality pregnancy testing and an ultrasound. An ultrasound can confirm three details, including: 

  • How far along you are 
  • The location of your pregnancy (where it’s located within the uterus)
  • Your pregnancy’s viability (if there’s a heartbeat & is progressing)

It’s also important to note that medical abortion (the abortion pill) is only recommended for women through 10 weeks of pregnancy by the FDA. Schedule a free appointment today to start your pregnancy confirmation and get the information you need to move forward.

How to Talk with Your Family

You’re braver than you think! It’s important to remember before going into the conversation with your family that you have the final pregnancy decision. Here are some tips to help you tell your family:

  • Pick a convenient time! Choose a time when your family is most relaxed and has no work or plans for the day.
  • Take someone with you if needed to encourage you along the way.
  • Give them space and time if needed after sharing the news.
  • Allow them to share their heart and try to take any great feedback or input.

Sometimes a family member may say something hurtful in response to your sharing, it may be they are lashing out, out of fear.  Stay calm, and share again that you need and want their support.  If spaces is needed, you can always pick up the conversation when all had time to process what has been shared.

We’re Here for You

Make an appointment for free pregnancy confirmation offered at North Care Women’s Clinic today. 

Our caring team is here to explain our pregnancy services and support. We are nonjudgmental and a safe place to discuss all your options. We are also happy to provide a safe space for you to talk with your family and help mediate the conversation. 

“Miscarriage.” The Mayo Clinic,

“Ectopic Pregnancy.” The Mayo Clinic,
“Information about Mifepristone for Medical Termination of Pregnancy Through Ten Weeks Gestation.” FDA,
