Can I get an abortion at North Care?

North Care Women’s Clinic does not perform or refer for abortions. We are here to provide abortion education and answer questions you may have. North Care is your first step in making an informed decision about your pregnancy.

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I think I’m pregnant, but I’m on the pill. What should I do?

If you take the pill as prescribed, it is rare to get pregnant. However, it is not impossible. The hormones in the pill do not affect hCG levels, which is the hormone that urine pregnancy tests look for. You can schedule an appointment for an accurate laboratory quality test with us. Once you learn you’re

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I’ve already had an abortion. How can you help me?

Everyone handles abortion differently. We are here to help you deal with anything you may be feeling. At North Care Women’s Clinic, we are here for you regardless of what choices you’ve made.

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