Not Worried About Gonorrhea?

Not worried about Gonorrhea? Or maybe you are, but you’re not sure if you have it or not? The first step in dismissing worries about any disease is knowing the facts about how you can get it and what the symptoms are. Gonorrhea is passed from person to person by sexual contact, including vaginal, oral, or anal

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Dads Are Irreplaceable

“He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” -Clarence Budington Kelland As Father’s Day approaches, we take time to appreciate fathers and the crucial role they play in the development of children. Fathers have a distinct parenting style that often differs from a mother’s style. Fathers are

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Folic Acid and Why It’s Important to Women

It’s National Women’s Health Week! If you have done any reading about women’s health (which you should! And our website is a great place to start 😉 ) you may have come across the term “folic acid.”  So what is it? Should you be taking it? Why is it important to women’s health?  Keep reading

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