The National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that almost 1 in 5 adults in the United States experience mental health problems each year. If you struggle with mental health, you are not alone.

Mental Health is important to your overall health as it can affect how you do everyday life. If you already struggle with mental health and are considering abortion, you will want to be aware of the risks. 

A report shared that women who have struggled with mental health issues in the past are at greater risk for developing significant mental illnesses, including depression or anxiety, after an abortion.

The Significance of Mental Health

According to the World Health Organization, “Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” 

Your mental health has the ability to affect how you live, how you respond in relationships, and also your physical health.

The Mental Effects of Abortion

Recovery mentally after abortion can be intense for some women. According to the National Library of Medicine study for women after a miscarriage or abortion, “A significant number of those experiencing a reproductive loss exhibit signs of anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.” 

This study also reveals that there is sometimes a delay in the onset of these mental effects, as women may not experience them until a couple of months later – or even longer. There are mental health conditions attributed to reproductive loss, including subsequent relationship problems, substance misuse, and suicidal ideation.

Be Informed Today

Get more clarity today by making an appointment for a free pregnancy verification offered at North Care Women’s Clinic. We can also educate you more about your pregnancy options, including abortion.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

“Mental Health By the Numbers.” National Alliance on Mental Illness,

“The abortion and mental health controversy.” NIH,

“Mental Health.” World Health Organization,

“Uncovering prolonged grief reactions to a reproductive loss.” NIH,
